Domain Name Registry

Only $9.99!

When you sign up for web hosting with Denham Domains, LLC, you will need to register a domain name so people can find your site. A domain name is the name people would enter to access your site on the internet (i.e. Some registrars charge up to $39.00 per year per domain name. All domains registered through Denham Domains, LLC are only $9.99 per year! That's $9.99 for a new domain name, $9.99 for domain transfers, and $11.99 per year for renewals. Sign up now!

Getting a new domain name

Domain names are registered once and renewed annually. You can also choose to renew your domain name for a period of up to 10 years. We can register any new .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, or .us domain. If you're not sure what name you want, or you want to know if a name is already being used, then go to the Denham Domains, LLC Registrar Service and click on the "Check WhoIS" link. There you can enter the domain name you want and it will tell you if that name is available or if it's already being used by someone else. When choosing a domain name, please keep in mind that some names are registered trademarks (such as Coke, Pepsi, Dell, Microsoft, etc.) and should not be used in your name to avoid possible litigation.

Transfering a domain name

If you already have a domain name, and don't want to make payments to two seperate companies, you can transfer your domain name to your Denham Domains, LLC account. That way the domain is paid for when you pay for your hosting, and the renewal process can be streamlined and renewed with your hosting account.

If you want to keep your domain name registered somewhere else, all you need to do is modify it (or have your current registrar modify it for you) to point your domain name to the Denham Domains, LLC DNS server (where your site is located). This information will be included in your Welcome Notice when you sign up for your web hosting service.

Renewing a domain name

Renewing a domains name is easy. Once you have a domain name hosted with Denham Domains, you can have your domain name automatically renewed every year. You don't have to do a thing!